Lycos Trademark Usage Guidelines
The Lycos Inc. ("Lycos" or the "Company") trademark identifies the services provided by Lycos and distinguishes them from all others. Our trademark promises consumers a distinction with respect to these services and strengthens the protection and promotion of our products. The Company's legal rights in its marks can be defended only if they are used correctly at all times in all forms of media. Therefore, it is critical that all employees, customers, licensees and third party users familiarize themselves with, and abide by, the following use guidelines.
These use guidelines apply to all Lycos employees, licensees, vendors, customers, and other third parties ("Users"). If you are a licensee, your agreement may include specific guidelines governing use of trademarks and logos. If so, please follow the guidelines specified in the agreement you signed. If your agreement has no special guidelines governing use, or if you are an unlicensed third party, please follow the guidelines specified herein. If you have downloaded trademarks or logos from a Lycos website, you agree to be bound in accordance with the usage guidelines set forth at that site.
In most circumstances Lycos's prior written permission is required in order to use any Lycos trademark or logo. If you are in doubt of your permission status please e-mail permissions@lycos-inc.com.
These guidelines are applicable worldwide.
All trademarks and logos under which Lycos markets or promotes its products or services are, and shall remain, the exclusive property of Lycos.
Advertising for Lycos or its products or services must not be in violation of any applicable local, state, national or international law, municipal ordinance or administrative agency regulation of any city, town, state or country.
Advertising for Lycos or its products or services must not be misleading in any way.
Users may make NO representation or warranty regarding Lycos, its products or services.
Users agree that all uses of Lycos's trademarks, logos or trade names will inure to the benefit of Lycos.
Users may not register any Lycos trademarks, logos or trade names that are identical to or confusingly similar with Lycos's trademarks, logos or trade names in any jurisdiction, domestic or foreign.
Lycos's trademarks and logos may not be presented or used: (a) in a manner that suggests that editorial content has been authored by, or represents the views or opinions of, Lycos or any Lycos representative, agent, personnel or affiliate; (b) in a manner that is misleading, defamatory, libelous, obscene, infringing or otherwise objectionable; (c) in connection with any material that infringes the trademark, copyright or any other rights of any third party; (d) as part of a name of a product or service of a company other than Lycos; or (e) in a manner that infringes, derogates, dilutes, or impairs the rights of Lycos in such trademark or logo.
Lycos may modify these guidelines from time and time and Users will be bound to comply with the material contained in the updated guidelines immediately upon receipt of, or posting of the new guidelines
- Always set the mark apart from other text using bold, italics, or all capitals.
- Word marks should be no less than 1/8 scale of the word font.
- Always use the mark as an adjective to modify a generic noun, never as a noun or verb.
- Use: LYCOS® search engine is the most complete...
- Use: Use the Go Get It® search initiator...
- Not: Use Go Get It® to retrieve your...
- Always use the proper symbol to acknowledge ownership.
- The following marks are registered trademarks and should always be followed by the ® symbol:
Service Marks
Go Get It®
Homepage Studio®
Hotbot and Design®
WhoWhere? And Design®Trademarks
HTML GEAR & Design®
WhoWhere?® - The following marks are trademarks and should be followed by
the ™ symbol:
Webon™ - The following marks are service marks and should be followed by
the sm symbol:
Go Get It and Designsm
Seemoresm - Always use the following footnote to designate ownership of all marks used:
[MARK] is a [registered] trademark [or service mark] of [Lycos, Inc.] in the United States [and other countries].
e.g.: LYCOS® is a registered trademark of Lycos, Inc. in the United States and other countries. - Never modify a mark i.e. hyphenate, make a possessive of, pluralize, abbreviate.
- Each of the usage guidelines for word marks applies.
- In addition, the following guidelines for use of Logos also applies:
- Lycos will provide authorized users with graphics samples for use in reproducing its Logos. These samples should not be altered in any way and should be used in a manner that ensures that each representation of a Logo is consistent, undistorted and clear.
- A Logo should not be displayed in a size so small that any design feature of the mark is lost and should appear in exactly the same spatial relationships as set forth in the graphics samples provided by Lycos. A Logo should appear by itself, in a reasonable size, and should have a minimum amount of space on either side that equals its height.
- Where graphics samples designate that a particular PMS ("Pantone Matching System") ink be used, users must ensure that their representations conform to these guidelines.